Top 130 Science-Geek Pet Names

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So, you're a shameless science geek, and you want your pet to be a living testament to your obsession with physics, astronomy, geology, molecular biology, chemistry, etc ... ? Cool. We're totally down with that.


Here are our top names based on historical figures in science.

Video of the Day

  • Archimedes
  • Aristotle
  • Billy Nye
  • Bohr (Niels Bohr)
  • Cerf (Vincent Gray Cerf)
  • Copernicus
  • Da Vinci
  • Darwin (great for finches!)
  • Edison
  • Edith Clarke
  • Einstein (or Albert. Perfect for any critter with wild, shaggy locks.)
  • Erwin (As in Schrödinger — for cats, of course)
  • Freud (or Sigmund)
  • Galileo
  • Gates (Bill Gates)
  • Goddard (Robert Hutchings Goddard)
  • Hawking
  • Heisenberg (not Walter White!)
  • Higgs (perhaps for a shy, elusive cat?)
  • Hopper (Grace Hopper)
  • Hubble
  • Jobs (Steve Jobs)


Video of the Day

giphy embed
  • Kepler (Johannes Kepler)
  • Khan (Bob Khan)
  • Laika
  • Lovelace (Ada Lovelace)
  • Marie Curie
  • Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • Newton (or Sir Isaac)
  • Pascal
  • Pasteur (Louis Pasteur)
  • Pavlov (for dogs ... or cats —they drool, too)
  • Pelton (Lester Allan Pelton)
  • Rosalind (Rosalind Franklin)
  • Sagan
  • Tesla (or Nikola)
  • Tycho (Tycho Brahe)
  • Woz (Steve Wozniak)


Top pet names for science geeks.

  • Ajax
  • Amp
  • Apache
  • Apollo
  • Aquarius
  • Argon
  • Asteroid
  • Astra
  • Atom
  • Aurora
  • Axis
  • Beaker
  • Beta
  • Boron
  • Byte
  • Carbon
  • Chet
  • Chip
  • Cipher
  • Comet
  • Cosmo
  • Cyber
  • Data
  • Delta
  • Digit
  • Dob (Dobsonian)
  • Doppler
  • Eclipse
  • Equinox
  • Flare
  • Flurry
  • Galaxy
  • Gamma
  • Geo
  • Gibbous
  • Glitch
  • Gram
  • Gravity


  • Halo
  • Hedron
  • Helix
  • Iris
  • Isotope
  • Jet
  • Jupiter
  • Kernal
  • Kilo (kilogram)
  • Laser
  • Linux
  • Luna
  • Mac
  • Mars
  • Mercury
  • Meteor
  • Micron
  • Moon
  • Nano
  • Nebula



  • Neon
  • Neptune
  • Neutron
  • Nitro
  • Nova
  • Orbit
  • Photon
  • Pi
  • Pipette
  • Pixel
  • Pluto
  • Polar
  • Quark
  • Quasar
  • Radar
  • Rocket (for superfast runners)
  • Ruby
  • Saturn
  • Solstice
  • Sonic
  • Spark


Image Credit: Meme
  • Star
  • Sunny
  • Tetra
  • Titan
  • Twilight
  • Vector
  • Venus
  • Volt
  • Widget
  • Zero
  • Zeta
  • Zinc
  • Zodiac


Do you need more inspiration for your new pet’s name?

Pets are like our children. We love them, care for them, and we get to dress them up in adorable outfits — if that's a thing we feel like doing! So it's extra important that we take time to find the perfect name that reflects our new pet's personality and potential. Naming can be hard, which is why we've gathered nine pet-naming techniques to find the perfect fit, as well as assembled a handful of our most beloved lists of pet names!

