Lights, camera, action! When you have a pup that's ready for his closeup, it's only fair that you consider a name from the Golden Age of Hollywood. Here are 135 old Hollywood-inspired names that are worthy of the silver screen—and your doggo, of course!

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Male dog names inspired by old Hollywood
- Astaire
- Alfred
- Archie
- Armstrong
- Basil
- Bates
- Baxter
- Bergman
- Billy
- Bing
- Bogart
- Brando
- Burt
- Buster
- Capra
- Cary
- Cecil
- Chaplin
- Charlie
- Clark
- Clift
- Connery
- Conway
- Cooper
- Dean
- DeMille
- Donald
- Douglas
- Earl
- Elvis
- Finch
- Flynn
- Frank
- Fred
- Fritz
- Gable
- Gary
- Gene
- Guinness
- Gregory
- Harold
- Hitch
- Humphrey
- James
- Jimmy
- John
- Kirk
- Laurence
- Marlon
- Mickey
- Montgomery
- Monroe
- Mr. Famous (Audrey Hepburn's Yorkshire terrier!)
- Newman
- Olivier
- Orson
- Oscar
- Peck
- Peter
- Poitier
- Pookies (Rita Hayworth's cocker spaniel)
- Quinn
- Redford
- Sean
- Sidney
- Spencer
- Streisand
- Toto
- Tracy
- Wayne
- Welles
- Wilder
- Wyler
Video of the Day
Video of the Day

Image Credit:
Claudio Vieira Rocha / EyeEm/EyeEm/GettyImages
Female dog names inspired by old Hollywood
- Anita
- Audrey
- Ava
- Babs
- Barbara
- Bette
- Betty
- Brigitte
- Clara
- Claudette
- Debbie
- Eartha
- Elizabeth
- Eva
- Eve
- Garbo
- Garland
- Gigi
- Ginger
- Golightly
- Grace
- Greer
- Greta
- Harlow
- Hepburn
- Holly
- Ingrid
- Isabel
- Jean
- Joan
- Judy
- Katharine
- Kay
- Kelly
- Kitt
- Lana
- Lauren
- Leslie
- Lina
- Liz Taylor
- Loren
- Louise
- Lucille
- Mabel
- Maclaine
- Mae
- Marilyn
- Marlene
- Maude
- Mia
- Morning Star (Natalie Wood's poodle!)
- Myrna
- O'Hara
- Rita
- Scarlett
- Shirley
- Sophia
- Tallulah
- Theda
- Veronica
- Vivien
- Zsa Zsa

Image Credit:
George Marks/Retrofile RF/GettyImages
Do you need more inspiration for your new pet’s name?
Pets are like our children. We love them, care for them, and we get to dress them up in adorable outfits so it's extra important that we take time to find the perfect pet name that reflects their personality and potential. Because settling on a name for your new pet can be hard, we've gathered nine pet-naming techniques to find the perfect fit, as well as assembled a handful of our most beloved lists of pet names below!