Most cat owners know from first-hand experience that a cat sleeping on your face is a perfectly normal bedtime routine. Some felines nestle under your chin and against your throat; others might lie half on the pillow and half on your head, twining their claws in your hair. The various possible reasons for this behavior include warmth, security, marking, separation anxiety, and reaffirming top cat status in a multi-cat household.
Craving warmth and comfort
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Cats love to sleep in a warm place; they'll follow a sunbeam around the house to sleep in its warmth throughout the day. At night, when your body is under the bed covers, your head and neck are exposed. Most of your body heat releases through the head, making it a great heater. for a cat cuddling under your chin. Meanwhile, your pillow is a soft, comfortable place for your pet to lie while sleeping.
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He wants to feel safe
Often, sleeping against a human's head starts when a cat's a kitten. Kittens who snuggle against the human neck can feel the carotid artery throbbing there, and it gives then the sense of security they had in the womb. The sound of your breath and even your snoring is like purring to cats. If you accept your kitten sleeping near your face, he will carry that behavior into adulthood and be hard to evict from your bed according to Sleep Advisor.
Making her mark
Cats like to constantly mark their territory with head-butting and whisker-stroking, actually spreading their scent from glands on their heads, cheeks, paws, and other areas, according to the Dumb Friends League. You can not smell a cat's scent — but when your cat rubs his face against you, he is marking you as part of his territory. While sleeping next to your face, he may be making sure you carry the mark of his ownership as much as he's enjoying together time.
Feeling anxious and alone
If you leave home every day to work or study, your cat may miss you while you are gone. If he suffers from separation anxiety, he will want to be with you constantly when you are home. The only part of you he can access while you are asleep is your head and neck, so that is where he will want to spend his time.
If your cat gets upset when you leave or shows symptoms of distress when you're gone, separation anxiety might be the reason. Vocalizing when you leave, destroying things, or other bad behaviors when you're absent are tell-tale signs of separation anxiety according to Pet Coach.
Did you forget something?
If snuggling on or around your neck and face isn't your cat's routine nighttime behavior, you might be neglecting some of his routine care. Review your cat's day to see whether he might be trying to tell you something.
Perhaps you left his water bowl nearly empty or forget to leave out some midnight munchies. If you've put off cleaning the litter box, your feline might be letting you know conditions aren't acceptable for an impending potty stop.
Your cat might be standing on your face because it's the only way to get your attention. He can't text you a low food alert, after all. Sometimes taking up residence on your face is the only way a cat can get your attention, and sometimes the bed is the only place the cat can catch up with you if you're particularly busy.