Whatever the secret is to a life of happiness, these dogs have it figured out.
1. Just enjoying the sunshine.
2. Ahh, nothing like the breeze in your fur.
3. "Doug loves being out in the sun, look at that smile ☀️🐾"
4. Look at that smile!
5. Stick goals.
6. Tummy rubs are the best.
7. Such a sweet smile.
8. Suns out, smiles out.
9. "It’s a long weekend, and I’m loving every moment of it because the sun hasn’t stopped shinning! 😍"
10. TFW you're a good boy and you know it.
11. This fluffy pupper just wants to brighten your day.
12. "My dog loves the wind in his fur"
13. Have you ever seen a happier pup?
14. A very polite good boy.
15. Splish splash
16. The picture of contentment.
17. Enjoying the view.
18. Spring style.
Video of the Day