Striped cats evoke a sense of quirkiness and whimsy. But they can also be fierce -- they look like mini tigers after all. Here's a list of 143 names that fit both quirky and fierce types, depending on your pet's personality. And if you happen to want to get literal, we have names that evoke stripes as well!

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Names that evoke stripes
- Tiger/Tigress/Tigger/Tiger Lily/Tigra/Tyga
- Zebra
- Bee/Honeybee/Bumblebee
- Garfield (arguably the most famous striped cat!)
- Adidas
- Anemone
- Bamboo
- Bengal
- Gingham
- Tartan
- Cinnabar (a type of striped caterpillar)
- Candy Cane
- Skunk
- Jailbird
- Chevron
- Zigzag
- Hyena
- Lemur
- Pyjama
- Spangle/Spangled (like the flag!)
- Cheshire (another famous striped cat!)
- Stripey/Stripes (very literal but who cares?)
- Yucca (a type of striped shrub)
- Patches
- Speckles
- Spot
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Quirky striped cat names
- Tobias
- Giacomo
- Cornelius
- Leopold
- Caspian
- Calypso
- Hansel
- Zephyr
- Colburn
- Beetles
- Razzmatazz
- Tabitha
- Cosmo
- Grundel
- Mozo
- Dandelion
- Tigris
- Natty
- Finnegan
- Alvin
- Faust
- Thunder
- Heffer
- Buggy
- Phaedra
- Gallagher
- Shankey
- Dexter
- Helios
- Ilka
- Delago
- Tiana
- Oona
- Nixie
- Muirgen
- Hermione
- Lusine
- Stasia
- Lizzo
- Nastia
- Tipper
- Milka
- Ramona
- Hoffer
- Vivica
- Bodhi
- Thierry
- Bardi
- Winifred
- Merryweather
- Winslow
- Ichabod

Fierce striped cat names
- Conan
- Hercules
- Morrigan
- Cadmar
- Donovan
- Andromeda
- Valkyrie
- Brunhilde
- Chadwick
- Duncan
- Elvara
- Geronimo
- Gunther
- Herod
- Hector
- Luther
- Mordecai
- Moriarty
- Odysseus
- Ragnar
- Samurai
- Shogun
- Valhalla
- Xena
- Xander
- Alonzo
- Xerxes
- Uriel
- Blair
- Cedric
- Cillian
- Dieter
- Gabriel
- Lachlan
- Ranulf
- Ingemar
- Ludwik
- Murdoch
- Rainer
- Regina
- Ignatius
- Hendrix
- Melisande
- Jarvis
- Lazslo
- Berenice
- Viggo
- Uriah
- Theodosia
- Thelonius
- Oswald
- Mortimer
- Jove
- Heloise
- Audemar
- Dante
- Damaris

Do you need more inspiration for your new pet’s name?
Pets are like our children. We love them, care for them, and we get to dress them up in adorable outfits so it's extra important that we take time to find the perfect pet name that reflects their personality and potential. Because settling on a name for your new pet can be hard and emotionally wrenching (oh the indecision!), we've gathered nine pet-naming techniques to find the perfect fit, as well as assembled a handful of our most beloved lists of pet names below!