Do you have a new kitty in your house? Mazel tov! If you're looking for some Jewish names for your newly adopted friend, you've come to the right place.

cat by a menorah
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Traditional and holiday-based Jewish cat names
- Abe
- Adam
- Asher
- Brandeis
- David
- Dreidel
- Dybbuk
- Elijah
- Esther
- Eve
- Ezra
- Golem
- Hanukkat
- Isaac
- Israel
- Jacob
- Jezebel
- Jonah
- Kipaw
- Leviathan
- Miriam
- Mitzvah
- Moses
- Puah
- Purrrrim
- Rachel
- Rebecca
- Ruth
- Sarah
- Shiphrah
- Simcat Torah
Video of the Day
Video of the Day

cat starring off into the middle distance
Image Credit:
Oksana Osypenko/iStock/GettyImages
Cat names based on Jewish celebrities
- Adam Catler
- Cat Efron
- Furnie Sanders
- Garfunkle
- George Catstanza
- Gina Furshon
- Golda Meowier
- Goldblum
- Goldie Pawn
- Harvey Catiel
- Irving Purrlin
- Jake or Maggie Gyllenpaw
- Mandy Pawtinkin
- Noam Clawmsky
- Paw Rudd
- Paw Simon
- Pawbra Streisand
- Pawla Abdul
- Ruth Bader Ginspurr
- The Marvelous Mrs. Meowsel

cat pastry chef
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Jewish food names
- Babka
- Bagel
- Bialy
- Blinz
- Brisket
- Cantor
- Challah
- Cholent
- Deli
- Falafel
- Gefilte
- Greenblatt
- Hamantaschen
- Hummus
- Katz
- Kibbeh
- Knish
- Kugel
- Langer
- Latke
- Lox
- Matzo Ball
- Pastrami
- Pickle
- Rugelach
- Schmaltz
- Schmear
- Shakshuka
- Sufganiyot
- Zingerman

sleepy kitty
Image Credit:
Sergey Pakulin/iStock/GettyImages
Yiddish names
- Bubbe
- Bubbeleh
- Bupkis
- Chaim
- Chutzpa
- Golde
- Ketzele
- Kibbutz
- Kishka
- Kittle
- Klutz
- Kvell
- Kvetch
- Mamaleh
- Mensch
- Mishegas
- Mishigas
- Noodnik
- Nooge
- Nosh
- Pisher
- Plotz
- Plotz
- Punim
- Pupik
- Schlamazel
- Schlmiel
- Schmata
- Schmendrick
- Schmutz
- Schmutzy
- Shlomo
- Shpielkies
- Tataleh
- Tchotchke
- Tevya
- Yente
- Yentl
- Zayde
Looking for more pet name inspiration? Check out these literary cat names or majestic cat names!